Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sickening headlines at Drudge

Trillions or dodecapillions of ameriKans are ecstatic that ameriKa has lynched another head of state. I wonder how many could give even a half-decent explanation as to why, considering that when an activist walked about a beach last Independence day talking to partiers and bathers and filming the conversations, very few could even tell him what the holiday is about.

If ameriKans are so poorly-informed as that about their own country, I'd sincerely like to know what they think gives them (or their politicians) the right to decide how other countries must be run and to bomb them or kill their chieftains to achieve it.

Most of the revelers on this occasion -- the week they "got" Gaddafi -- hate Obummer, Hillary and the rest of our own Hitlers. Should it mean anything to the party animals that these creeps live for the thrill of offing the likes of Gaddafi, Saddam, and bin Ladin?

It certainly means a great deal to me. In fact, I hate to tell you, but lately I find it boils down to hating who they tell us to love, and loving whomever they denounce. It's that simple, and works like clockwork!

By such a blessedly simple system, it's so easy to interpret Hillary's victory speech, that it's anticlimactic!

Drudge has headlines at the moment more telling, perhaps, than he realizes:


Grisly death raises questions about Libya's new rulers...

Isn't that thrilling? To the colorful vocabulary of "regime change" (world dictatorship by the US and globalists), "weapons of mass destruction" (a redundancy when every major country has 'em), "troop surge" (known in the FIRST Vietnam as "escalation" -- a dismal failure then too) and "qualitative easing" (stimulation of the fat cats' already bulging coffers), now add "KILL BOUNCE" -- e.g. a scumbucket political failure like Obummer killing somebody Israel doesn't like in order to boost his own popularity stateside!

Enjoy that second article linked above. It's about the breeziest assessment of recreational gore and degradation the art has produced this season! And isn't THIS a yum:

NEXT: McCain raises prospect of military option in Syria...

You know, I was actually telling people this is how it was going to be years ago. They're just going to go through all of Israel's neighbors and give them a spontaneous popular uprising that happens to result in either a situation Israel likes or a worse version of what they went in to cure -- doesn't seem to matter to the powers that be.

But never mind geopolitics and the clearing our out of a few million square miles of real estate so Israel can start its march to open, direct world hegemony. THIS headline, in my HUMBLE opinion, ranks as the most earth-shattering at,

NEXT: McCain raises prospect of military option in Syria...

.......because you know, all this war and killing is really so the power "elite" can shop easier and cheaper -- not least when being chauffeured into a gas station.

It doesn't work out that way, and all these schemes are just going to ruin everything for everybody, but it's "liberal" GOOD INTENTIONS that matter most, not reality or facts.



Perhaps you, dear reader, are among them. Perhaps not. Let's say you are. What

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