Friday, October 7, 2011

A civilized, buttoned-up Jew says the unsayable about Israel

More and more Jews are seeing it and saying it: Jewish-supremacist "Israel" is a beast! I'd have to say this gentleman is the most middle-class looking dissenters along these lines:

Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies

Note that the heading on this show declines to use the word "Jew" and that you'll never hear it in most political discourse. I don't believe Mr. Peled uses it either. The word has become almost as taboo as what they call "the n-word"; political correctness is eating the language like some kind of plague! It should tell us something that ordinary words become evil gods whose names cannot be uttered on pain of social ostracism, firing etc.

Please join me in smashing taboos. Blacks freely use the "n-word" among themselves, and I only euphemize it here because some would get a bad wrong idea of my point.

It's great to hear a man like Peled calling for an end to Israeli tyranny and brutality, but I fear the day when he and other brave souls in his camp reach the realization that Israel simply has no right to exist. He has to admit that the Israelis are outnumbered by Arabs in Palestine; the sooner the world becomes unanimous about dismantling this artificial, patently illegal and failed entity, the better for everyone involved.

Why get into all this in a Patriot Network-related blog? Because there won't be an America or a Patriot Network for much longer if these things aren't faced fair and square.

............There's similar news on the black front. The other day we explored some conservative blacks' very vocal opposition to political correctness. Thus footage is even more excitingly outspoken and incisive:

New Film: Big Government Keeps Blacks in Slavery

It must be truth serum day: watch as this neocon weaves yet another basic exegesis on the criminality of taxes!

There’s a Point When Taxation is Stealing

Also admirable: he has the discussion in one website, then reports in it another! Duplication is not evil or even sneaky -- it's what everybody should be doing all the time. Repeat, recycle, get your good stuff out to as many people as you can -- all of it.

Here's the same individual doing some piercing word/idea/reality studies!

‘All the News WE Say Is Fit To Print’

This is great: 'William Proctor, a veteran reporter and author who has worked for the New York Daily News, explains that the “[media] gospel is rooted in a kind of secular theology that purports to convey infallible social, moral, and political truth—a truth that the paper [The New York Times] fervently promotes with all the zeal of the fieriest proselytizer.”[5] Proctor describes the editorial and news-gathering policy at the Times as “Manhattan Fundamentalism,” “a well-defined but also rather rigid package of viewpoints which the paper disseminates widely to influence political, social, and personal beliefs and behaviors.”[6] Even the choice of a story shows bias'.....

To which I would reply the choice of stories is easily as critical as anything else in the process!

Send me stuff. I want more stuff!


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