Friday, October 14, 2011

Political capers without end in pseudo-conservatives' Totentanz

Most politicians are incapable of envisioning, much less realizing, a reduction in the size or cost of government. Their knee-jerk response to any move in that direction is "Fine, but where can we up other costs to cover it?" Indeed it appears they take that view of any actual progress that comes along: "what can we damage somewhere else to make sure there's no actual overall improvement?"

Thus a sickening scene in today's news --

Perry yokes Iran to border security

This disgusting faker, governor of the largest state of the lower forty where a third world invasion is destroying the American way of life at an accelerated pace, would still rather die than admit that this is a problem in and of itself, even without the Latin America factor that dominates it. It only becomes an issue if he can tie it in with Iran, because.... the trend of the moment is toward finally work the same magic on Iran with which we've gifted Iraq and Afghanistan so divinely. headlines this fad as "The Fast and Furious Plot to Occupy Iran".

And ultimately, Perry's tic is because Israel owns the US now; her real or imagined enemies are now our real or imagined enemies, her fixations and psychoses our'n!

"You can have any color you want as long as it's black" -- Henry Ford on his early lines of motor car. You can have a solution for any socio-political problem if you pass it through the door of Israelocentrism first. Whole lot o' yokin' goin' on!

Perry has tried to cater to the mostly white but very leftwing Republican establishment (and media establishment) by pandering to Hispanics, but in the end the stupid jerk pleases no one. What public elementary school did he go to, that they don't teach the futility of trying to please everybody?

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Watch Mitt Praise Ted Kennedy for His Role in Passing RomneyCare

Whichever RepubliCONservative shill or judas you favor, I've got the goods to ruin him for you if you wish. Hey, if Rush Windblab disses Romney and I agree with him (although Rush's reasons for it seem to be as well-censored as Barry Soetoro's college records) -- what is this world coming to?

Rush Slams Romney: He ‘Is Not a Conservative’

Wish I could call Rush a conservative. I really, really wish I could - he's on the mark so much of the time, he hit the national airwaves just when the real world hit me, millions out there think he's the hard-right messiah. But Rush has the same funny smell about his worldview that Michael Savage and other superstars of the alleged right do. When it comes to the real, bedrock issues that even the GOP doesn't want to mention, they're as "liberal" as can be. You know, like ameriKa being nothing but a pimple on Israel's posterior now?

For dessert may we now turn to those funny snarling things, the "liberal" Democrats. You might as well laugh, otherwise you'll cry now: just as the Project for a New American Century called for a "new Pearl Harbor" event to keep Israel as ameriKa's main addictive drug and vice versa, the shocking quote of the day is.....

MSNBC: Occupy Wall Street Needs A “Kent State” Moment

See, they call us violent terr'ists and all that, but IT IS THEY -- so-called liberals -- who most often call for people they hate to be killed, jailed, or martyred to some "progressive" youth movement.

Here again, there's a thread in my other, more controversial forum:

LIBERALISM= real hate/violence/extremism

Real nice people!


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