Thursday, December 6, 2012

Here's a great commentary on a major development that may be the beginning of the end for ameriKa's Middle Eastern headache.

Major.   /\/.\/\/.

The End of Jewish Power 
Israel suffered a humiliating defeat at The UN yesterday. The nations of the world stood up and said NO to the Jewish state - NO to Israeli occupation, NO to Israeli human rights abuse, NO to Jewish racism. In effect, they stood up and confessed to serious Zio-fatigue. Despite Jewish success in constantly reminding Europeans of their tormented past, Europe yesterday delivered itself of its guilt and Israel's European allies such as Germany, France, Britain and Italy also delivered a clear messages to Israel - they are right out of patience. The rest of the world is at last finding the courage to realise that it can well do without a Jewish state that is nothing but trouble and a grave threat to world peace.

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