Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good things / small packages

Things are looking up!

They've JAILED the bankers. There is great relief and genuine, well-founded hope for truly positive and desirable change among the people, because they see their politicians actually serving them, not other fatcats. Everywhere there is excitement that the country is getting beyond the lies and betrayals the rest of the "free world" lives by (not to mention the fear of what other countries may think of one's leaders' supposed radicalism) and beginning to actually do some living again as a stable, viable healthy society.

In Iceland, that is.

Guest Post: The Icelandic Success Story

........Here is another way cool page:

The History of Banksterism: 48 B.C. to Present Day

It includes a painting of Christ flailing the moneychangers out of the temple -- an image seen more and more in the blogosphere today. Rightly so!

/\/.\/\/.   torpenhow@charter.net

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