Saturday, December 1, 2012

Article jackpot at Lew Rockwell site

It's been a great day featuring a thriving first-Saturday PN meeting in Greer, SC. Such good people... and a few great characters!

I reported on this blog there as usual, and am going to use it today to hail a very special website we all should keep in the forefront of our minds: Llewelyn (that's Welsh) H. Rockwell Jr. is one of the most renowned figures in the whole history of capital-L Libertarianism. His blog -- grossly too small a word for it in this case -- is one of the spots in cyberspace where the air is freshest, the company the most genteel and the IQs the most stunning.

All that may make them sound very cerebral and egghead-like, but what they mostly do is rally facts in support of common sense. Who would have though that that would ever become a revolutionary act, but it surely has. Where the magic comes in is where they being up great facts from history and current news along the way.... and it's also in in their eloquence. Yes, simply their eloquence - of a freely readable, drinkable kind.

Eloquence applied to common sense -- novel comcept, that! The best writers of course amuse as thy inform or galvanize. Here are just the uppermost ten headlines showing at the moment on Lew's homepage. Note the presence of actual good news and optimism amongst the fateful jeremiads, too.

Jump on in, the water's fine!


Machiavelli and the State
The libertarian response. Article by Lew Rockwell.
Martian Boondoggles
Separate NASA and State. says Gary North.
The Age of Ron Paul?
Jay Taylor interviews Lew Rockwell on the coming bull market in freedom.
Smack Down!
Tom Woods obliterates big-government conservatives.
Don't Take Sides in Other People's Fights
Your conscience will thank you, says Mark Crovelli.
Group Guilt Is Bad, Pre-Guilt Is Even Worse
Eric Peters on the eradication of our rights.
How Do the Chinese View the Gold Market?
You'd better know, says Jeff Clark.
Home Invasion Realities
Be ready to protect yourself in a very tricky situation.
Are Your Opinions Real?
Or corn-pone? Article by Mark Twain.
The Dollar Decline
It catches up with the US Mint. Article by Bob Adelmann.

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