Friday, December 28, 2012

Ever checked Simon Black out?

We ameriKans lead such cushy, pampered lies, I mean lives, that it's possible to lean on TV for everything you know about the rest of the world and die blissfully unaware you've been massively deceived. Here are windows on the many matters abroad that put ameriKa to shame:
Tell Me Again… Which of These Nations Is Communist?

There is not the slightest shred of an excuse for the gigantically bloated bureaucratization and institutionalization of ameriKan life. This always makes life grossly more expensive and ever less human, more Orwellian and Kafkaesque. And as bad as things are now, what happens when you let as set of tax "cuts" expire and massively increase them at the same time? That must be why the fedgov is buying nine figures worth of bullets. We have met the enemy, and they think it's us.


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