Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Crazy economic politics bedevil France too

A tragicomic case of Obama-style bait-and-switch politics has unearthed:

Paris in the Dark Ages

So -- how does it actually work? The politicians promise us the world when running for office, and then when they get elected they skid to a halt or 180-degree turn. Do you think they never mean a word of their pretty rhetoric, or they set up in the halls of power and are bought off -- or maybe coerced? A combination of all three, no doubt.

Behold, just as the Beltway BS artists always have the same solution to things -- bleeding taxpayers yet more for than they are already, and hrrumphing yet more about the supposed need for citizens to tighten their belts and do without. No doubt the intended psychological effect is an echo of the noble, heroic epoch known as World War II.

Oh, how people sacrificed for "our boys" back then! Rations, millions of families put on hold, whole industries turned over to production of planes and tanks for the good of all humankind. WW2 was actually an orgy of lying propaganda by shills, but since it's still glorified today (hooray for us, we killed six million evil Germans) it makes a terrifically handy paradigm of what working people must go through for the rest of time until the politicians find their copy of the Constitution (or the Fed goes bankrupt).

It's not for nothing that demons like Hillary channel FDR and company..... the article is about France's Environmental and Energy Minister Delphine Batho. Isn't it amazing how few Frenchmen are in on the running of France anymore? We suffered through five insufferable years with its Hungarianoid president Sarkozy, and he was succeeded by a fellow liberal wacko named Hollande, both bearing alien place names.

Ms Batho looks like a berserk nut in her curiously staged photo at the above link. The name appears as alien to the French tongue as they get; do you suppose she's related to this monster?


 Pardon my cynicism......

/\/.\/\/.   torpenhow@charter.net

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