Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Basic logic and the shootings

There's a very serious problem with basic (!) logic in our society today. Little to none exists.

OK, you still don't want to believe the government (or its hidden handlers) would be so evil as to perpetrate 9/11. But there's ample proof, especially if motive and the perps' prior record and psychology count for anything. Behold, amerika -- the story as matter-of-factly admitted in one of the topmost encyclopedias in the world today:


Note the subheadings -- "Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years" (who asked THEM?), "Excessive focus on military strategies, neglect of diplomatic strategies" (what DO you know), "Inexperienced in realities of war" (bunch of chickenhawks) and the immortally foul "New Pearl Harbor":


There have been many calls for a smoking gun re 9/11, with many insanely fake ones offered. Don't forget that Boy George Bush told the nation that we couldn't afford to wait for the "smoking gun" to appear, e.g. in the form of a "mushroom cloud", woo woo. Translation: We don't need any stinking proof thta those people over there are planning to whack us-- we're ameriKa!" We're ameriKa, so we don't have to play by any rules. Our only rule is in fact play it all by ear at our whim.

We don't have to worry who gets hurt as we work out our manufactured demons on total strangers who never actually did us any harm We have an agenda -- and if the Project for a New American Century is any indication, that agenda is brutal world dictatorship!

See? Reason and even common sense is totally extinct with this crowd. Even now, when the whole thing's a total disaster, there's not a shred of regret or remorse from them. Even when people like Bushy or Tony Bliar admit it's a bust, they just coast to glory on waves of fine-sounding rhetoric! The sheeple, too, are proudly stupid and heartless.

There are not only smoking guns over 9/11 such as the obvious facts about it that TV newscreatures pretend every day on camera they don't see, but what better loaded and pointed gun could one ask to find  in the runup to 9/11? Come on, if we really want to know who did it, let's just stick to the same basic, airtight rules by which any criminal inquiry operates.

Cut to the latest mini-9/11 in the series -- the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Any fool should know the politicians themselves (with help fropm CIA, Mossad etc.) should be the prime suspects. Sirhan didn't kill Bobby Kennedy, we're now told. "Martin Luther King's" family freely admits that James Earl Ray didn't kill JFK. "Cui bono" -- who benefits from the  lies, coverups and acts of skullduggery?

The above parties tell us in a hundred ways a day that they live to vilify and dispossess us. Here's merely the latest admission that the ruling power mafia lives from crisis to crisis, reaping selfish political advances from (for instance) theschool shootings:

Democratic lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting

See? They want to totally destroy whatever wealth and power remains to us, the people. (Or as most people would cobble it together, to "we,the people.) To do it they have to take our guns away. The politicians' knee-jerk response is not to give the psychiatric drug industry a long-overdue investigation but to EXPLOIT these shooting victims' families's suffering! How much more crude, oafish, vicious, un-American, and Neanderthal can it get? How much more purely vulgar?

Quite honestly, I think when any politician says anything so subhuman as Nadler just did, he should be sent straight to the federal gulag, just like they're doing to us now so freely .... over nothing.

Bush-41 wanted a "new world order" and blabbed it in numerous public speeches, as have numerous other top-name public figures. Bubbie Nadler takes the exact same tack with the present scene. But tomorrow will be just another day in war-torn ameriKa. None of the right heads will roll, if any do at all. The chattering classes will go on with the charade that this is life. These patterns from hell wom't be mentioned at even 1% of ameriKan breakfast tables -- certainly not substantively.

The system feeds on fear, and deliberately causes ever more mass fear psychoses. It farms our minds, sprinkling whatever precise recipe of fertilizer is needed for what they want to grow in them. We, the people, are the glorious tapeworm's host bodies -- that's all, period. We aren't even human in their eyes. The real question is whether they even notice our existence at all, or are they more like some virus tooling around inside a person's system -- oblivious to its shape, cerebration, needs or wishes?

Viruses are extremely intelligent in working our chemistry, temperature etc. too. You know, bringing us Change -- and exploiting it to the max.

Logic -- more of it at the basic preschool level could save us big time. But for most people it's too much like work and too little resembles Katie Couric interviewing Britney Spears.

/\/.\/\/.   torpenhow@charter.net

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