Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One state rep gets the picture
Pay Me In Gold: Lawmaker Requests Compensation In “Money That Has Intrinsic Value”

Wait a minute -- isn't his first request supposed to be that Montanans get paid in real money? Our apologies for the implied vulgarity of the URL. It's a totally honest one but not safe for family viewing.

........The top officials in govt and military are running the most magnificent country in history and arrogating themselves the job of world evangelist and moralist.... but every day of the year brings new shocks about their own criminality and total lack of character. The Petraeus scandal is a flowing fountain of headlines reflecting terribly on not only that scum but the entire Obummer administration. Just one from today. Warning -- contains photo of grotesque leech with its sucker discs agape:
Obama Administration Gave Petraeus's Wife a $187,605-Per-Year Job

"Assistant director for the Office of Servicemember Affairs" -- oh, give me a break. "The funding of the CFBP, which comes from the Federal Reserve, is not subject to congressional oversight" -- well, what ever is in real terms? 

........One of our postings has gotten "aggregated" -- maybe others too:

Isn't it funny to see the shocking truth about Guevara juxtaposed with glowing tributes to the sorry piece of trash? That's how it was when last I checked the link.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:27 AM, wrote:> A new article has been posted on :
> Get Out of Dodge - Update November 14, 2012
> Read the new article here:

I replied:  Here in Dixie the League of the South has made a name for itself calling for secession for over 15 years. They're quite passionate about it -- meetings, rallies, publications, seminars, lobbying... I tell them they need to warm up to it by individually seceding from the IRS (as I have done) and their respective state Departments of Revenue but there's dead silence in response. In fact they kicked me out for being a "radical".


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