Thursday, November 29, 2012

Congressional GOP traitors trash their no-tax campaign promises

......mere days after getting elected.
Republicans and Taxes
by Andrew P. Napolitano

Are you sickened by this news? You should be. That it should come at this moment in history is especially infuriating, i.e. immediately after Republicans not only failed to properly articulate the right issues during the critical election of 2012, but put up the worst possible candidate for prez. What are they trying to do -- hand Dummcrats the office for good?

Help me out here -- what was that about a "Republican revolution"? Oh, yes -- 2010, when the GOPers won back control over the house. But what good is it if they're not going to do anything with it? THAT silliness was a replay of the even goofier (and more ballyhooed) so-called GOP Revolution in 1994. What kind of revolt is it that leaves you as overtaxed, overworked, exploited, scorned and abused at federal hands as you were before..... eighteen years later?

"Republicans took back control of the House". But who, pray tell, is controlling them? Anybody else out there ever wondered? We, the people, are the last people whose will they actually follow. What they give us just happens to be identical with the "values" and agenda pushed by the Dummacrat Party and communist mass media. What gives?

A specialty at this URL is exposing the crimes of our supposed friends and allies, not only those of our known enemies. One hopes that an army of enough people doing so will bring a change we can care about.

Isn't it good to see Judge Napolitano is still at his keyboard after TV land tried to deep-six him. He's an all-time great!


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