Friday, November 2, 2012

Obie, master criminal, loves siccing worst criminal vermin on public

Surely the conclusion from this news is that Obie is a sex sicko himself?

Obama Administration Releases 36,000 Criminal Illegals
That Commit 19 Murders and 142 Sex Crimes

You don't need me to point that out, you've got numerous credible websites and the Rev. James David Manning's numerous exposés to amply prove it. Hey, thirty-six thousand is more than one out of every nine thousand people in the country! Just think, if you live in a city of 100,000 people, there are on average 11 Obama pervs and killers to watch over the place. Actually that has to be a low figure as most of these acolytes of diversity are drawn to cities.

Are you checking every day? Here are excerpts from just one recent day's haul of links there:

The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers [ENG sub] FULL MOVIE

Bush drunk in Beijing

Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; 'I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe'
"Hell is freezing over!! Chris Matthews having a lucid moment!!!"

Chris Matthews humiliated destroyed by Larry Elder
CIA and Obama tried to kill Pastor Manning. Obama worked for CIA in 80  


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