Thursday, November 1, 2012

Communists love Obummer and really, really want you to vote for him

Obama's Communist Party Endorsement

The words communist, communism et al are constantly in the air in the real world these days because of our communist pseudo-president. I guess that's the one advantage of having him -- the fact that the c-word has regained currency. My editorial in the current issue of The Real News focuses on this aspect of the situation. Communism is the real Nazism -- it has killed many times more people than the latter, a fact that desperately needs to become universally acknowledged.

Here's an excellent (if not outstanding) documentary pointing out the fully communist nature of modern politics and life. I covet for its producers the guts to admit that most of the perpetrators they name are, oddly, from the same tribe of "genetic liberals".

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie)

On that score, here's a most interesting and starkly unanswerable video:

Why the Military Knows Israel Did 9/11

The title is no joke and no mere sensation -- the damning proof is brought to you by "mainstream" news anchor Carl Cameron. He's with Fox, no less -- one of the last places you'd ever expect true, courageous political incorrectness to break out.

The facts, the facts -- that's all I want. Really is! SOMEBODY PROVE ME WRONG, please, because I just can't stand it.


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