Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back from the dead: the Trayvon Martin affair

Surely you recall? It was only eight months ago that (so it seemed in the U.S.) all the world's attentions were fastened on a shocking crime -- a "hateful white racist" had killed a "poor defenseless African-American youth" in cold blood on the sidewalk of someplace called Sanford, Florida. The agony and despair was overwhelming. When would ameriKa ever escape its "racist, segregationist past" and "get in step with the times"?

Oy vay, what a tragedy! Where was justice? The forces of political correctness had a field day, immediately painting the occurrence in the above lurid terms, but quickly -- as so often in sensational race cases -- the facts started coming out in the independent media. And they didn't jive with the hysteria somehow.

The independent-minded have noticed a pattern -- and smelt a rat. Bernhard Goetz, 1984. Howard Beach, 1986. Tawana Brawley, 1987. Duke non-rape case, 2006 with others in between. All were top headlines for a seemingly endless period of time (especially for those of us in greater Zoo York) followed by the exposure of gross fraud in their regard by the government-media complex. Innocent lives often destroyed but no repercussions for the real malefactors. If you haven't heard of some of them, they were the cauldron from which a noxious substance called Al Sharpton first oozed.

With the Trayvon thing, the media were calling alleged perpetrator George Zimmerman white white white WHITE -- but then -- whoa, how did that happen -- it turned out he was Hispanic. No problemo, said the press, and it simply rebranded him as "white Hispanic." Nice try, but the only thing white about him was his father. And he had a history of helping the disadvantaged, and.... was part African himself! Why, this latest sacrificial victim to the PC cult was almost the very epitome of "diversity".
Zimmerman’s own black roots – & drive to aid the poor

Almost as suddenly as the valiant but luckless Mr. Zimmerman had become famous, the story vanished from the headlines and, so far as I'm aware, disappeared from media coverage, period.

Sorry, leftist hatemongers, but George is back:
The Zimmerman case disintegrates

.........The man recalled seeing “a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a white or Hispanic male who was yelling for help.” The black male, he added, “was mounted on the white or Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style.’”

The witness–who was in his living room and about 30 feet away from the confrontation– said he called out to the two men that he was dialing 911. “He then heard a ‘pop,’” police reported, and saw the black male “laid out on the grass”

Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit relates the discovery of video from Trayvon Martin’s YouTube account, removed at some point during the last month, that shows he was actually involved in some sort of underground “fight club”......

Some of you have heard and sung patriotic hymns today, Thanksgiving 2012. I did too. And if I'm grateful for anything in particular as the day winds down, it's the fact that justice is still possible.... but we must pray that Mr. Z does indeed win his case and remain unharmed by the brainless and violent rabble that hang on the every word of an Al Sharpton or Je$$e Jackson.


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