Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tom Woods weighs in on the Paul situation

Thomas Woods has the distinction of having written The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and done much else to keep Americans from drifting too far into leftwing la-la land. As I understand it, the above volume made such a public splash that the left felt it from head to toe. The book is so wholesome and down-to-earth that it became a phenomenon which is undoubtedly still bringing common-sense influence to politics. His message in the video below is also welcome in that it basically rejects all angles of "compromise" with the Republican sector of enemy forces. My other org, the SC Conservative Action Council, is made up of people whose cry has always been NO COMPROMISE from its very beginnings in the Confederate flag fight. NO COMPROMISE is such a blessed gravity-defying way of life I'm still wondering why all humanity doesn't simply embrace it and the good, wholesome worldview it implies! COMPROMISE is the bread and butter of political hacks, frauds, and tapeworms. Isn't it? My only regret is that Woods didn't go farther and condemn Rand's sellout and spit in Romney's figurative face -- not to mention Hannity's unbearably pudgy, treasonous, obstreperous, smug mug. (Does Hannity continue to spew neocon jabber all night long in his sleep?) Henry Makow went the distance re the Paul crisis. Are Christian goyim too nice for their own good? /\/.\/\/. http://www.dailypaul.com/239474/tom-woods-my-appeal-to-ron-paul Tom Woods: My Appeal To Ron Paul

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