Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How the mighty are falling -- and with Facebook, it's beautiful

Facebook is a blight on the universe. Sure, it's "FUN", but so is getting drunk -- it doesn't mean it's beneficial. The often brilliant Onion News Network satirists have said it all on that subject in these powerful three minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqggW08BWO0 Facebook CIA Project: The Onion News Network There's good "real" news on the Facebook front. Enjoy! http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/facebook-stock-down-slightly-tuesday-down-29-percent-since-highly-anticipated-ipo/2012/06/05/gJQAjg3zFV_story.html Facebook stock down for 3rd consecutive day, down 32 percent since highly anticipated IPO (DrudgeReport title: "FREEFALL CONTINUES...") http://www.smartmoney.com/invest/stocks/facebook-is-a-buy-at-20-1338912405393/?link=SM_stocks_ls Facebook Is a Buy at $20 ( take this to mean that some are touting it but most are rightly steering clear. Drudgereport name: "FACEBOOK 'worth a look' -- at $20!") This sounds lame. Somebody tell me what it means please: http://www.cnbc.com/id/47695838 Morgan Stanley Now Lending Out Facebook Shares To Short Sellers /\/.\/\/.

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