Friday, June 29, 2012

Jerry Doyle program is on -- and destroying GOPers over Obamacare!

The Jerry Doyle radio show is one of the most incredibly fearless and uncensored anywhere -- when it wants to be. And tonight is a great example. Jerry and his guests (presently one Nick Gillespie) are back to 100% concentrated reality -- yes, slamming Obamacare for the abomination that it is, but also rightly ripping top Republicans and the GOP herd in Congress for delivering absolutely nothing on the promise of their "Revolution" #3 a couple of years ago. OBAMACARE IS ROMNEYCARE -- and now Romneyites are chortling how they'll win in November and repeal it? How many times will Charlie Brown believe Lucy as she holds the football for him to kick? Tune in the show right now -- I'm hearing it on WAIM-AM in Anderson Saturday morning at 12:46. You should be able to hear it live via that station's site or maybe Jerry's. .........How about this for whole-hog truth-telling? Carter was a disastrous president, and has been a disastrous ex-prez -- until recently taking on some big issues most people won't touch: Ex-US President Indicts Obama as Assassin US Presidents ARE assassins -- in fact, they're what most people would construe as "Hitlers". To see Jimmy indicting a fellow Dem-Prez like this -- especially a "black" one -- is little short of miraculous. I don't see any direct murder in Jimmy's record, something that begs re-evaluation of his reign. He did commit great crimes such as founding the Depts. of Energy and Education, but compared to presidents since him those atrocities seem mild, for what it's (not) worth. All we, the people, ask is politicians who will do what we actually want and need, with proper respect for other societies and how we impact them. Is that so simple? What part of the word "Constitution" don't the Demo-publicans understand? /\/.\/\/.

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