Monday, June 11, 2012

Finally, common conspiracy sense on the Paul tergiversation

Henry Makow is one of the great Jewish intellectuals who dares to expose his own tribe's evil machinations. In this and other areas he goes so far afield of even conservative orthodoxy you sometimes wonder what planet you're on, but I've learned from some PN personages not to dismiss wild-sounding claims out-of-hand. Here comes one of his site's featured writers asserting that Ron Paul never fought to win a presidential election, and.... much worse. Let's just leave it at that. Except to say that in a world where even the right seems to have gone left, it's great to read somebody's honest and very sensible take on some bizarre Paul family behavior. There are two different pictures of Ron making the "cornuto" sign. There could be any number of reasons for that other than the obvious, right? Right??? I'll believe Ron's been sincere in his work all these years until I absolutely can't any longer. I don't want to believe things are as evil as Mr. Migchels says. Help me not to! Read this short article, but don't look at this picture: The Ron & Rand Paul Betrayal Let me emphasize once again that it is totally impossible to justify Rand Paul's sellout. If this is how politics operates, something bizarre and scary is going on -- you don't try to win office by shouting truth from the housetops anymore or condemning the clearly demoniac opposition. You win it by showing what a great team player you are by JOINING said satanists! Come to think of it, Hegel actions don't get any more barefaced than this, do they? Hey, if conservative ameriKa falls for it, they deserve everything that's going to happen to them. /\/.\/\/.

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