Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rand Paul sellout is defended from all sides.... except one

Perhaps you've noticed..... I have no patience for political correctness. It costs me friends and allies, because it's only a rare person who can take the whole monstrous truth about what the Demo-Publican leviathan is doing to us. Another good example freshly plopped on the horse pasture of life is Rand Paul's sudden endorsement of the unbearably horrible and evil Mitt Romney. This is an insane act of treason -- not only against Rand's father, Ron Paul, but against conservatism, truth, decency and representative government. Mitt is a political Frankenstein and Sean is the perfect embodiment of the rottenly corrupt industry that props zombies like Mitt up and gets the sheeple dashing madly to kiss his neocon ring and vote for him. For a supposed maverick like Rand Paul to give either the time of day is unthinkable; for Rand to go on Sean's show to praise Mitt is just fatally sickening. In a discussion form I've sounded off about it as one can't in polite company, listing the cases where those who absolutely do know better are just prostrating themselves to the Romney god and hailing his new prophet, Rand, as the next logical, beneficial thing! One thing I forgot to say there is that this phenomenon seems directly parallel to the time four years ago when all the conservatives who know better -- much, much better -- started prefacing their criticisms of Obama with moronic tripe like "Now I'll grant that Obama is good looking and charismatic", "Obama is undeniably a gifted speaker," etc. When Obama starts speaking coherently without a teleprompter, I'll agree with all these milktoasts or the right that it's fine for Rand to "endorse the nominee"! All the above was triggered but the latest case of the latter -- jst un by email: So, tonight Rand Paul endorsed Romney for president. I think it was a good move on Rand's part seeing as party loyalty runs deep for the sheeple of our country. Deep down, however, I'm sure he knows it will garner exactly zero votes for Romney from the Liberty movement... in fact, with that in mind, I see no danger in the move at all. After Romney loses in a landslide to Obama, Rand can run in 2016 without being blamed for contributing to the margin that caused Republicans to lose in 2012. I'm sure the faint of heart will abandon Rand, will cry foul play, will call him names, but that's ok. So far, he's given me no real reason to mistrust him. Besides, it's not like he says he agrees with his philosophy (as if he Romney has one) - just that they have similar family values and agree on like 4 policies (none of which Romney will actually do anything about). The intentions there are beautiful, the reasoning pitiful. If this is what it takes to get a true conservative elected president, all is truly lost. The mere fact that people are offering one hypothesis or rationale for Rand's revolt against common sense signifies that it's crazy and incomprehensible apart from my above assessment. If something's valid, it doesn't leave a nation of 330,000,000 scratching its head about it, scrambling to add it it up to something. Face it, world -- we've been gypped again. That's all there is to it. /\/.\/\/.

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