Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Plain English revue, continued: devastating book (and priceless review) on Sarah Palin

You who are in the excellent PN egroups see regular links there to updates of the Carolina Journal. This print newspaper ranges from outstanding to PC-lite. When last at PN HQ, though, I found the August issue notably better. One really stunning inclusion is by CR editor, which has been reprinted in numerous other places, like here:

New Book Portrays a Paranoid Palin

Bass says the book sums up "Saracuda" as "a paranoid, emotionally volatile psycho chick obsessed with money." He later expresses doubt about the author's credebility but has to admit the content sometimes has the ring of truth. If you're reading this, you probably don't need any convincing of that! Please read the review -- it's priceless, and a breakthrough for a publication that has too often fallen short of its rael potential.

Oh, no -- there's a pro-Palin movie now!

Sarah Palin rips British tabloid, mainstream media

She can cry and rage all she wants, but any fool can see she's political poison. Please share this blog with your friends -- the need is critical for people to see these neocon false gods denounced!


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