Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kari Mondale is dead, and other jaw-dropping headlines

I'm confused. Help!, a fabulously successful mega-corporation, is giving me cognitive dissonance. It really has to know the score re world events of earthshaking import, but its news feed today features airhead matters like:

The top 5 surprise Emmy nominations
Lost Super Bowl Ring to be returned
Pumpkin found hanging in pear tree
("A nearby garden vine climbed the tree, giving the now-green pumpkin the appearance of having sprouted from one the tree's branches.")

Not to mention the immortal, time-warping "Daughter of Walter Mondale dies". Funny, they didn't mention the death of Robert Clarkson, William Cooper or Aaron Russo.... do you gain VIP status by being the daughter of a US veep, however forgettable he may have been?

Oh.... trouble. Right in the middle of that mix is this bonbon:

Many in US facing first brush with poverty

I'm trying to find the floor. Where is this poverty coming from if what really matters is the Emmys, and mobs of people can still afford tickets? Yuck, this poverty stuff, whatever it is, is starting to make even the Enmys (where's my "marca registrada" Alt-command) look decent.

My real trouble begins when I check to make sure it actually exists and is as horrible as I seem to remember from when I was last posting in the ANU forum. Maybe the poverty stuff is for real?

Items there:

LIVE FEED (NYC): Day Of Rage Protests
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Blackout: CNN, Fox, and MSNBC Ignore Thousands Of US Day Of Rage Protesters
Most Americans are being kept in the dark about the US Day of Rage by the corporate cable news giants at CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC who have imposed a de facto blackout on the protest.
11 Comments and 8 Reactions

U.S. Can’t Track Tons of Weapons-Grade Uranium, Plutonium

Monthly Terror Drills Now Required By Law For Students Including Kindergarten And 1st Graders

From Arab Spring to Greek Autumn to European Winter

NFL wants pat-downs from ankles up at all stadiums

Wisc. protesters arrested for filming lawmakers

London bankers explain how to order cocaine from a restaurant and expense it

‘Shy’ children at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorder

Sign of The Times: Banks Must Produce Living Wills To Tell Regulators How To Liquidate Them

Hague court urged to investigate Pope over child sex abuse

3 Girls Dead, Others Hospitalized After Gardasil HPV Vaccine

Pass that last one across all your friends who lumber around bleating the Perry is sure to be another Reagan, not another Bush.

Which world are we in?

The fantasy one is a pack of lies, but the real world is so Bizarro. Which to choose?

Say -- this just in. DOES NOT COMPUTE....

FBI halts training that labels Islam as violent

Pezident Bush the Younger, momentarily suspending the Separation Of Church And State and becoming a professor of comparative theology, declared Islam a religion of peace, and now the FBI says the exact opposite! Should a good conservative go with the fallback position that every Moslem is a terr'ist waiting to happen? That is if one wants to be properly tolerant, pluralistic, and multicultural.


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