Friday, September 23, 2011

A few more ironies for the collection: Republican Parasitists Protest Against Leftist Protest Against The War of the Parasites

One of my favorite little neocon monsters, Godfather Politics, is at it again. This article could not be a more apt tie-in with the post from yesterday I just finished touching up:

Leftist Protest Against Wall Street: The War of the Parasites

My concluding jab there read 'the Wall Street Journal is the lifeblood of big business, and big business is the embodiment of capitalism, and capitalism is the form of economy you get in a democracy, and that means big business is the very essence of "conservatism" -- right? That is, if we the people are going to chuck common sense and live by clichés anymore.'

Chucking common sense and
living by clichés is the name of the game with the bedwetting left -- and as the above link demonstrates, of the neocon GOP establishment too. You can tell that Godfather Politics is a creation of that behemoth, because its cliché-deranged take on the lefties camping out on Wall Street is NOT that they're tragically misguided but well-intentioned (which they are), but rather that Wall Street can do no wrong and these protests against it can by definition have no basis in reality!

Are you getting sick yet? No? Maybe you need to take a yet more honest look at how LEFT-WING the Republican party and many of its votaries are. Sure, they'd punch you in the nose for saying so (leftist peace people are far more violent than true conservatives) but leftist is exactly the word for them and for every Republican presidential administration since Eisenhower. (And Eisenhower is the one who perpetrated the communist "civil rights" federal assault on Little Rock.)

Anybody claiming the conservative label who defends Wall Street in this day and age is fit only for a padded cell or one with bars. If active in politics or newsmongering, they are in fact implicated in great crimes against the ameriKan people -- no joke, no punch line.

As ever, the straight story on all this (and yesterday's topics) is richly heaped up in the news headlines and summaries at

ANUNews is simply the best news feed of them all. Yes, I'm connected with it and have supplied it for short periods, but in recommending it I have nothing to gain other than a more educated public.

One of the themes most expertly (if tacitly) demonstrated at that site is that
(1) neoconservatism is leftism, or in the vulgar tongue that has everything backwards, it is "liberal", and that
(2) for all its heroes' railing against big government (e.g. radio stars like Limbaugh and Hannity and all non-Paul GOP presidential hopefuls) the GOP/neocon establishment loves big government;
(2a) its only real argument with the Dummacrats is that it, the neocon colossus, wants to be the one in charge, raking in the filthy lucre that crushing taxes, cronyism and graft can bring (thus my "parasitist" headline today);
(2b) at the topmost levels of politics and business, they are one and the same.

THIS could very well be THE message ameriKa needs to hear and face the most.

Credit where credit is due: here's a brilliant, arch-conservative essay from the Godfather:

The only thing missing is to point out that the outrages listed in it are textbook examples of true TERRORISM, i.e. viciously making an example of a few in order to keep the many cowed.

..................During the age of Bushovik-Obamaniac terror against the Mideast, the true definition of terror has one of the first casualties of war.

........................Ron Paul, a veterans' best friend:

.............Vision To America weighs in:

General Motors Celebrates Rise of Communist Party
New Term For an Obama Fib: He 'Over-suggested'
AFL-CIO Defends Union Violence as a 'Legitimate' Union Activity

In other news.....

Amnesty: Israel failing to deal with white-slave trade

By Dan Izenberg and Heidi J. Gleit

......................BREAKING NEWS!!

To save the economy, on September 28, 2011, Obama will announce that he is ordering the immigration department to start deporting old people (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. Old people are easier to catch, and will not remember how to get back home!

I started crying when I thought of you.


Well..... Someone sent it to me and I'm
not going alone!


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