Operation Fast and Furious is in the news. Pray tell, is that a buzzterm for the way politicians keep slinging spiffy "Operation" buzz at us? You know, like how "Operation Desert Shield" instantly morphed into "Desert Storm" (properly known as "Desert Slaughter") and the present Afghan "war" started as "Operation Infinite Justice," but that was adjudged too insensitive to the people we were smashing flat so it was changed to "Operation Iraqi Freedom" using lots of "Shock and Awe" (aka "rapid dominance") to do it.
Aha, Operation Fast and Furious "was the name of a sting run by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) between 2009 and 2010 as part of Project Gunrunner in its investigations into illegal gun trafficking" (Wikipedia). That business where the USG, having nothing better to do, tried its leaden hand at rearranging the drug crime scene in Mexico. The headline on it today is....
Obama evades ‘Fast and Furious’ questions from Latino media
Maybe the real headline is that these Latino media aren't flaying him for being so mean to the poor downtrodden Mexican drug czars, but asking what he's doing in real terms to fix a real problem? Wait a minute, what's going on here? There has to be a catch. One can only conclude that those Latin supremacists see Obummer's behaviour as an obstruction to their takeover of everything. Yeah, that's it -- and a welcome plot twist if we must in fact have supremacists surrounding us and regarding us as dinner.
..........Now this may be the irony link of the decade:
Too Much of a Good Thing: Why we need less democracy.
Democracy is mob rule in slow motion, but it laughably passes as a synonym for "representative government" nowadays..... so when people want to destroy freedom and openness they'll sometimes call for less "democracy". Thereby they end up unintentionally and unwittingly agreeing with the Founding Fathers, who denounced democracy as the worst form of government out there, and would roll over in their graves if they could see who's running the show they scripted!
.........Another yummy confession for the collection......
Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge”
..........Did you hear Obummer's speech to the black caucus the other day? By his very manner of expression, it's a paradigm of the abuse of Southernness for cynical political purposes.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner
This unbearable Chicago shyster has no connections with Dixie. If he really is Barack Obama Jr., neither he nor any of his known relatives ever grew up here; he was raised by communist yankee white folks, partly in Indonesia, and normally his speech is a combination of Chicago flatness and Oceanian rat-a-tat-tat percussiveness.
I don't believe BO considers himself black or has any interest in that identity. Pastor James David Manning, one of the true black leaders out there who has never been koshered by the liberal media, declares that despite BO's packaging as a black messiah, he's done absolutely nothing for the black race and shows no signs of considering himself part of it. To that I would add "until it's once again Time for Some Campaigning".*
But B.O. has been groomed and schooled and coached and programmed in how to manipulate people, and ergo he does a cheap imitation of M.L. King before this particular audience. This may seem a small thing, but a normal, healthy reaction to such exploitation would, in my studied opinion, be all-out OUTRAGE. From blacks, outrage that he would attempt to patronize and manipulate them so brazenly. From Southerners generally, deep offense that the System, which spends every day trying to destroy Southernness, will trot it out and make it clean toilets this way when the occasion suits. From the nation and world, FURY that in our supposedly color-blind society, racial pandering is more the norm in ameriKa with each passing year.
"Ah'm gonna press awn," he neighs, hijacking the discredited "civil rights" mantle. I'm outraged that BO or any communist has any life in politics, much less the gall to insult my people, the citizens of Dixie, this way. Are you?
Please remember the big exciting meeting in Columbia tonight -- see yesterday's ePC Chronicles post for details, or call me at 864-356-9966.
And remember..... monstrosities like Obummer do not just happen:
Empire of the Son
The president’s parents were supporters, not opponents, of American hegemony.
*Don't ever lose track of this immortal 2008 video:
JibJab.com - Time for Some Campaignin'
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