Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Somali Immigration: Extreme Diversity Is Pushed by Powerful Interests

Just last night on a friend's TV there was a "new" report featuring how numerous Somali Bantus are moving to Tennessee and locals are just tickled pink to have them there -- this on the heels of the total disaster they've already made of things in their colonizing of Maine. The coverage was horribly alien as if driven from some other planet where everything is hate and mendacity, maybe the Death Star itself of Darth Vader fame. The report was just unbearably fake and evil.

I really just had to throw up, but I couldn't because they'd just showed a feature on Obama's trip to Ireland. Dry heaves was all I could muster. The idea of this icon of socialism and perversion cozying up to the Emerald Isle, a historical bastion of the spirit of Christian liberty and great learning -- the whole thing kvelled over as a great tolerance-teachable moment for all mankind -- was one of the most sheerly emetic I'd ever experienced!

It would be great if the ones preaching tolerance were not the most concentratedly intolerant and hateful on earth. It would be vastly different, but as it is it's constant communist spin on everything in all directions.

Our headline, above, is as I found it in the source site -- the outstanding vdare.com. Below is the rest of it. What does it have to do with the PN or taxes? Plenty: the American system of law and government worked quite well as long as America was still America. You can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye if we're going to be a model de-mock-crazy, the new USSR, or the world's ethnic dumping ground. You can fight to save America's borders and traditional ethnic makeup, or you can get ready for Sharia law and much worse -- think Sudan or maybe Zimbabwe. Now for the Vdare store with ANUNews's focus quote:

I’m proud to say that I have been criticizing Somali immigration since 2003, when I wrote Banned in Lewiston: Female Genital Mutilation? to illustrate that not all diversity is equal, particularly regarding women’s rights and safety. In fact, Somalis are arguably the worst choice of any ethnic group on earth for immigration to a first-world country because of their barbaric cultural practices as well as propensity toward violent jihad and crime. http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2011/05/23/somali-immigration-extreme-diversity-is-pushed-by-powerful-interestsnote-reference-to-shelbyville-tyson-foods/


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