Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eureka!!! The yet more basic facts of the Obama fraud

It doesn't get any better than this! Except for the fact that it makes monkeys out of The American People even worse than before. If this stuff is true, and for my money it certainly does have the ring of truth, even patriots and birthers have been missing a lot. We'd better not get involved in any "Clue" games over the holiday weekend -- we'll lose spectacularly.

Please read this whole article. The pay dirt starts about one-third of the way into it. I beg of you, please look for somewhere to shout this news from the housetops -- your blog, your facebook page, the bulletin board (or windshields) in the local church or college.... the sky's the limit. But don't read it and move on.


Obama: The Man Who Never Was

The Intel Hub
Servando Gonzalez
May 22, 2011

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