Saturday, May 21, 2011

2010 Plane flight into IRS building a false flag?

Remember when a guy named John Stack flew a kamikaze mission into an IRS building in Texas?

For what it may be worth, a commenter on an article by the renowned offshore guru Simon Black asserts that it was what you might call 9/11 Junior, and it's led to some lively debate.

His post covers expatriation (a subject explored in conversation following last night's wonderful PN meeting in Greenville) and the money issue, so here's the whole thing:

Okay, right off – this John Stack person (the name given to the public as the culprit) I think is a figment created out of thin air, so the CIA ops guys could give the Gov’t types an entity to BLAME.

The Cessna that flew into the IRS building – weird it was THAT building – was caught on several cellphones flying WITHOUT a pilot. Hence the reason that the whole story failed to create any real ALARM in the Private Sector, in and around Austin itself, to say the least.

In other words, Mr. Black – it was a false flag operation.

The explosion being at least 4 times larger than what a Cessna, with the limited fuel load it carries to begin with, left a lot of questions as to whether or not, there were EXTRA fuel cells loaded up in the cockpit.

Not to mention the fact, that this bass-player supposedly turned PSYCHO-MANIAC, “overnite”… was a real stretch. The notes in his Journal were considered suspect, as well – like they were planted to create suspicion where none existed in the first place.

To be fair – the whole story DIED almost as quickly as the event occurred. Curious how some will still continue to tell the tale anyway… (to give it legitimacy?). If you tell a tale long enough, it becomes fact, not fairy tale?

Let’s also review how, much like Oklahoma City, and both Twin Towers incidents – the local Authorities “just happened” to be holding safety drills for the Fire Dept’s and the Local Ambulatory Teams … and in Austin, they were actually parked (this time) right in front of the IRS building. Of all places, they were parked so conveniently RIGHT THERE … very much the same as the Oklahoma City bombing.

Your example-ism, sir, is also suspect.

The article has many good points – that I concede. However….

“Wealth is never destroyed, merely transferred”

You have mentioned several Countries that are experiencing a BOOM economy. This is no different than what Germany experienced in the 1930′s. The small group of people you mention – without naming names, I noticed – is, for all intent and purpose, The Rothschilds and their Agents inside THE FEDERAL RESERVE – the Union Thug Arm of the Banking Cabal coordinated thru the BIS and World Bank.

It is also my understanding that India is also experiencing great jobs growth, etc. These are areas around the Planet where the Banksters are moving OUR wealth away to. And, since THE FED has no requirement to report into Congress and the American People (in any fashion whatsoever) our wealth can be moved outside this Country at will…

And, to date, over $25 Trillion dollars has now exactly done that within the last five years. Prior to that, the 911 False Flag also smacks of evidence that somehow just prior an estimated 12 trillion $$$ was somehow missing and the evidence was within the Twin Towers Complex, especially Tower 7.

OUR REAL ISSUE HERE, TODAY, is the glaring fact that outside America – for MOST of us – the option to move away to some other Country where the main language is not english, is a real stretch and obviously intensely expensive. Finding a job, prior to moving can be the biggest stretch … so why are we moving away? To what? Panhandling?

NO – the real issue, here, is to WAKE UP THOSE THAT ARE STILL ASLEEP, behaving like sheep. Vigilance is never easy, and the TV indoctrinatin is incredibly severe. Many here something the Gov’t hasn’t mentioned, and they decry it with high-school-like sneers and putdowns.

Take this HAARP nonsense … “oh yea, the nasty leaders came up with a weather control machine, yeaaaa, riiight” Yet, if you review ANGELS DON’T PLAY THIS HAARP, the Documentary, what exactly is it they’ve spent Billions of my tax dollars on, and why do they need such a machine to do what exactly. Russian News Services claim it is also a Seismic weapon and could possibly be used for mind control, since it operates on ELF where humans also exist.

Angels Don’t Play This HAARP
Angels Still Don’t Play This HAARP

Now, i’m a bit of an engineer in the computer industry and prefer to maintain an open mind – why would the NAVY suddenly take down their HAARP website? It’s an objective question, which deserves an answer – the Complex has not ceased operations up in Alaska, nor is it likely to any time into the future.

While we seem to be off on a tangent – the reasonings for NOT moving away, are the discussion here, for some reason. And, i do see where some might think that is best. Inside the Internet, we call it “getting off the grid” .. and without moving to some other Country – that also has a Central Bank reporting to the same BIS and World Bank, I might add – most Americans simply need to begin the process of uniting themselves as Patriots, no differently than was done in the 1700′s. We explicitly have no other real choice.

Seriously, you’re going to expect almost 10 Billion people to pack up and move to CHILE? And, how many humans already reside in Singapore, anyway? India is no option with the flooding they have.

There is literally no place to run to any more. NONE.
We all grew up with the USA being the one Haven where all other humans could run to for freedom and safety against the tyrants in other parts of the globe.

NOW – even America is afflicted… with the very same disease.

THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE TO RUN TO. IT’S TIME TO STAND AND FIGHT, whether we like it or not. And, the shame of it is, our children and grandchildren will be those who suffer the most because of the last two generations lax and un-informed attitudes for Vigilance Defending Freedom. My generation is awake – about 60% – and we are working to use Al Gore’s Internet TO GET THE WORD OUT. The previous generation – the 60′s grownups (when WE were kids), they are who dropped the ball, for real. The Cheney’s, the Kerry’s, the Volkers, Kissingers, Rumsfelds, BUSHES, Clintons, etc., were all imposed on the Country during those years. And, they could have been stopped, had the 60′s generation-ers been paying attention to the real situation…

Bottom Line? Until we END THE FED and give back currency control according to the Constitution, this nonsense simply will not stop. no matter what excuses you make, or how you pervert the discussion, all of our Reps inside Congress, from State to Staet and in DC…. all go begging at the trough known as THE FED. Those are the Rules. you want the status quo, you will defend this idiocy. you will even vote for the Falsified Left/Right Paradigm.

However – if you really believe in the Founding Papers and the fight given by the Founding Fathers – you will stop this nonsense and gather yur powder around you, in preparation for the coming fight. Because, seriously, it very well cvould get much worse, much much worse, …before it ever gets better. Each will ned to look in the mirror, and look at their children playing and ponder what it is they will leave behind and what is that legacy….

The writer and many who added replies scoffed (or jeered) at Black's central thesis that this country is so far gone the only thing to do is leave it. In a way I hope they're right. Here are two great posts from lower down on democracy:

  • BDouglas says:

    We have a Republic, not a Democracy. A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner – And You Are the Sheep.

    • vicki says:

      Even better we have a Constitutionally LIMITED Republic.

      Nether our founders nor we want a democracy.

      I saw democracy live and direct from Egypt recently. I saw about 15 people get together and vote on dismantling a truck. They voted 14 to 1 to tear it apart. They tore it apart. Then they voted 14 to 1 to set it afire. The truck burned. Then they voted (14-1) to beat up the driver. The driver was later taken to the hospital.

      Democracy had come to the land of the Pharaoh.

You may know that Mr. Black is now working closely with our friend Dr. John Cobin to urge people to get out of ameriKa while the getting's good. I hope they're wrong but think they're right. John asserts that any of us could make it in Chile, e.g. by teaching English.

The attack on the IRS building certainly was odd. Contrary to what the SPLC or Homeland Security will tell you, it's totally unlike our kind of people -- tax patriots -- to commit acts of terrorism. The incident has never been mentioned again; unlike OKC, Waco, 9/11 et al it hasn't become a pillar of modern ameriKan dialectics despite being far more iconic that the others since it embodied what millions of ameriKans would love most to see happen in their heart of hearts.

The article reply that got me going is itself rather slick, and includes no references except re HAARP, so who knows? All told, I tend to believe it rather than the official story spewed by the media at the time.


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