Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"The Last Word on Osama" -- if only!

More fuel for the flames -- if you, like me, are surrounded by people who have convinced themselves that they're expected by somebody or other to pretend to imagine they think what goes on in the Mideast affects ameriKa in some fashion. It does, but it doesn't: our activity over there is ruining everything for everybody concerned, but Monday's supposed death of bin Ladin isn't going to change one bleeping thing about our lives.
Some delicious irony and crushing truth to lighten the load very briefly -- via the BBC, no less!

From: "Brasscheck TV"

He's dead (for the ninth or tenth time.)

His body was thrown into the sea according
to Muslim custom...

Uh, oops, there isn't and never has been a Muslim
custom of dragging dead bodies hundreds of miles
and dumping them at sea.

Oh well, but al Qaeda is real, right?

Sure. It's as real as any other FBI/Hollywood fantasy.



- Brasscheck

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That's how we grow. Thanks.

............We had an almost packed house at tonight's meeting in Charlotte. Bob F. is out of the traffic-ticket gulag and told us of his experiences preaching to both jailers and inmates. We also watched a video by Alex Jones satirizing the security state like you wouldn't believe.


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