Friday, May 13, 2011

Is a full-fledged, tax-proof underground economy in the works? Forbes: Gold standard in USA by 2016?

Here's a breathtaking if bizarre meditation for you.

With The Napster of Banking Round The Corner, Bring Out Your Popcorn

Copyright is a very major matter and a very complex one. Younger generations have different morals than others, so they see nothing wrong with freely sharing their favorite movies and music CDs (among many other media, no doubt) as if copyright didn't exist. I was recently at a lunch gathering where the number-one son of our hosts was heard to comment that copyright and patent are obsolete, and should be. (He, a recent college graduate, has never created anything to my knowledge.)

This form of anarchy would be unbearable to me unless, of course, it's only the amoralist stars of screen, stage and recording studio who are left holding the bag via such pandemic, breezily self-righteous ripoffs. Do classical-minded consumers do the same? I hope not, although a onetime PN club leader once showed me the vasts lists of classical music he was freely enjoying peer-to-peer.

If they're going to give banking the same treatment, that would be another story entirely and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of folk. Yes, bank people are nice nicer nicest in their quest to get us to drop in to talk about a loan, a mortgage, or about stowing some of our thin-air “dollars” in their invisible, theoretical coffers.

In fact, wouldn't you say it's the banks who have “Napstered” us and the real-world monetary system? They and their buddies in the fedgov have for a century conspired to loot the federal treasury and eat the heart out of every major currency in the world – and they've succeeded with flying colors. Perhaps new virtual (or gold-backed?) currencies will overtake the greenback and leave it looking as passé as Herman's Hermits' B-sides, with nothing the banksters can do about it.... you know, the way we the people have been at the banksters' mercy. There's no thief like one perfectly disguised as a benefactor! Inflation is theft....

............The following was a pleasantly startling news link – especially in view of its protagonist. Steve Forbes is the son of billionaire magazine publisher Malcolm Forbes. He was a fat-cat “Republican in name only” candidate for president a few cycles back. I find it hard to believe that he has any sincere interest in the gold standard, but even if he's only grandstanding here, it's progress for any major player (even a minor major player) to propose or predict anything so good and healthy.

I do wonder why he says five years considering that all indications seem to the ultimate catastrophic death of the dollar within months – or hours. Oh, the beautiful, wholesome, sane, logical, godly things he says in this commentary! Where are the other “conservative” heroes on this crucial subject? WHERE'S NEWT? Oh, he's concentrating on what ameriKa can do for other countries, or shall we say for the benefit of ameriKan fat cats via stomping the daylights out of those foreign states. Maybe Steve will be his running mate (sorry, couldn't resist).

Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years

by Paul Dykewicz

I didn't blog yesterday only because was turned off for maintenance or something.


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