Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Zimbabwe breaks its own record for financial absurdity

You've seen the (in)famous Zimbabwean hundred-trillion-dollar bill, right?

Zimbabwe is famous for many things -- all of them horrible. Back in the civil riots era, it was supposed to be the next African showcase of black-run perfection. White politicians worldwide hailed its new imperial thug, President Robert Mugabe, as the Obama or perhaps Jesus Christ of his day: all was going to be well now in the former Rhodesia, freshly liberated from evil white European leadership.

Never mind that every time the "world community" has witnessed such a "liberation", the results have been disastrous. Pundits claim they want a colorblind America or anywhere else, and then run around anointing heads of state based primarily on skin color and level of adherence to extreme Marxist dogma. Thinking persons object to it -- not based on anybody's race, but on the maniacal, berserk emphasis on pigmentation above everything else.

Mugabe has exercised bloodthirsty, despotic, absolute power over this tormented nation for over thirty years. Most of this era has been marked by shocking levels of poverty and squalor for the people grossly outweighed by fabulous wealth for the Emperor and his court, partly thanks to his jumping on the "New Africa" bandwagon of killing off the white farmers that provide most of the nation's food. As with every Marxist hellhole, fantastic rates of inflation have been charted in "Zim" -- but this being Africa, where everything is extreme, they have gone berserkly beyond what happens in other countries.

The $100,000,000,000,000 bill is an icon of this madness a couple of years old now. God knows how many zeroes crowd Zim's currency today -- but irony of ironies, enjoy this latest news from the black-supremacist land between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers:  
Zimbabwe Is Down to Its Last $217

Which majority-white country's communist leaders will rush to Mugabe's aid, sending enough food and supplies to prop him up for another year or three and masking it as humanitarian relief for the starving millions under his boot heel?

Another Robert we knew and loved would love the precious ironies of it all. For his sake, I'm glad he's missing a lot of what's going on now.

personal opinions of blogger  /\/.\/\/.,

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