Friday, January 4, 2013

Zany, fatally dumb "solution" #4,567,923

When I was a boy, there were nonfiction books of funny stories for young folks like....

The premise in this particular case was that a ludicrously stupid family of people They'd try this and that in the other thing to no avail. In the end they'd have to leave it at "don't worry, when the lady from Boston comes to visit she'll know what to do." Presently a lady oddly and comically known only by that description would arrive for another visit and point out the obvious.

It was indeed very funny to see people resolving situations thus. You wondered how they got anything ever done even as simple as tying their shoes -- but that would of course have already been to lade it with too much reality.

It's such purely anile diversions that come to mind contemplating the following federal farce. We're under a Peterkinocracy -- that's really just what it is.
Can Trillion Dollar Coins Save Economy?

I hate to disappoint these officials, but platinum isn't really that much more valuable than gold. Such coins wouldn't even have a trillion dollars' value of made of solid diamond, even if cut from the Hope. If we're talking mint one coin nominally stamped with a value of a trillion or two to get the debt paid off, we patriots were there first -- a Populist Party compatriot 20 years ago was telling the New Jersey Legislature to do exactly that, but only one coin and that minted from "pot metal".

Either way it amounts to repudiation, and there again we said it first. Early in my time with the PN in SC, Dr. Clarkson himself wrote an article to that effect. It was my pleasure to prepare it for publication in the Spotlight newspaper, where it made a beautiful two-page spread.

Repudiation is all there is -- not only of the nonexistent and purely theoretical federal deficit, but of the Fed itself. That's all there is. Anything else they come up with is a worthless yet ignominious smokescreen.


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