Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gun headlines for weeping and rejoicing

Australians meekly handed in their guns when THE GOVERNMENT promised it would give them security in return for them a few years ago. This was simply rape by a communist regime that has never thought twice about its victims, all 22 million of them, in the hell that has followed this act. You know the government in Australia is communist, because it's both hard on the law-abiding and soft on crime, as the people themselves cry in this all-too-brief, all-too-rare news report:
Gun Control in Australia - Watch and Weep

Does something surge within you when contemplating that every government seems to be at war against its own citizens anymore? How did this happen, anyway? 25 years ago half the world was under communist tyranny; we had everything and the people in official red countries had absolutely nothing. Now governments are robbing us of everything but (so far) the fillings in our teeth, and those countries are supposedly freer -- but their citizens still live in poverty. Where does that leave planet earth?

At least here, so far, to a limited extent, people are standing up on an issue or two and saying they're not going to take the tyranny anymore..... and for once it sounds like they mean it. Latest blip on the Second Amendment screen: 
Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law

For this to happen in (Z)ew York, of all places, shows that people really are the same most everywhere. Insofar as they're not entombed in either a leftwing or faux-conservative matrix -- or a decadent entertainment one -- they really want what's right, e.g. their God-given right to defend themselves and their homes effectively. Take away that right or ability, and a man's home isn't his castle anymore. He is not head of his family -- THE GOVERNMENT is! IT decides  who lives and dies, which is to say that it has assumed godhood over the sheeple.

New York defies a Dummacrat gun ban in the above story -- think of it! Hey, the top headline on my town's daily birdcage liner ran something like "Democrats to block Obama's gun bill". Maybe they just don't think it goes far enough, but I saw a story in New American or somewhere to the effect that lots of Democrat congresscritters are getting serious heat at home and pulling away from the gun-grabbing frenzy that's taken DC again.


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