Sunday, January 6, 2013

Aren't "liberals" wonderful? Look what they did now -- White Plains gun map

This news needs no comment
Inmates Use Newspaper's Gun Map to Threaten Guards

.....but I must ask one mre time: where are they planning to live when they've totally destroyed the First World simultaneously? Oh, that's right -- Bushes et al have bought up half of Uruguay and Argentina. I hope Latin America is ready for what happens when the entire membership of the Council of Foreign Relations moves in. It will destroy every reason people have ever had for going there, but there's not much they can do to stop it, certainly as long as yankee military muscle awaits the elite's command.

Can so-called liberals have any idea of how their crimes ruin police protection for themselves and their own loved ones? Or do they only hate? That's their entire effect on the world. They're supposed to be the "love" generation. This is the sector that gave us the "Summer of Love" as a new model for living. "All you need is love," quoth one of their chief prophets. What would be loving about establishing a world in which only criminals are armed? Lots of abusing spouses, and I do mean spouses, claim to love their victims. These mass shootings occur in proud "gun-free zones", you know.

By the word "liberals" I of course mean lots and lots and LOTS of RAPublicans, too. Lots.

Come with us Tuesday to Columbia to defeat Obamacare! CALL ME -- 864-356-9966.


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