Sunday, January 13, 2013

Surprise New Year's present from Obama's IRS

Oho oho OHO..... for half a miserable year the main tax ruckus has been about taxing the rich more. I venture to say it's been the only big tax story that's made the hit parade during this time. Taxtherich taxtherich taxtherich we're going to tax the rich, thus have spoken the chattering classes in gleeful celebration of this socialist dream. But suddenly, hold the phone, it's working people who find they're being drained of more blood than ever before, each payday!

What's this?

Wait! My taxes went up today!

The average tax increase for American workers is $700 a month thanks to the bill Obama just signed into law.

Yahoo reported:

Americans are beginning to feel the pinch from Washington’s decision to embrace austerity measures aimed at bringing down the nation’s budget deficit.

Paychecks across the country have shrunk over the last week due to higher federal tax rates, and workers are already cutting back on spending, which will drag on the economy this year.

In Warren, Rhode Island, Ben DeCastro got his first paycheck on Friday in which taxes on his wages rose by 2 percentage points. That works out to about $30 a week.

“You sit back and do the calculation, and that’s $30 I’m not going to spend at a restaurant,” said DeCastro....

Excuse me, but something doesn't compute. When the fedgov started bragging about an austerity program, they didn't mean austerity for themselves? We, the people are expected to tighten the belt when the fedgov is financing thousands of studies on the sex life of the amoeba etc., giving Izrul $3.5 billion a year just for being our "friend", and blowing trillions on no-win "wars" in the quicksand nations of the earth?

I talk "cut fedgov spending" whenever the chance comes up. Do you? We must. When fedgoons are sinking their fangs into the middle class's very aorta but not even mentioning their own spending issues, right here in the middle of the Greater Depression, something is radically wrong with either them, or us. This is not a case of the politely unmentioned elephant in the living room, it's the Goodyear Blimp in the phone booth.

How can this be happening? If working people are going to suffer this further slaughter in silence, does that mean gun owners are ready to be robbed of their liberty teeth by the likes of Dianne Feinstein?

We've given the sheeple a third of a century worth of education and liberation. They could not have asked a better guru that Dr. Robert B. Clarkson II, J.D. Other organizations, even if tactically imperfect, have done everything needed to wake a nation up to the thrilling, ecstatic news of tax truth, but the masses have stumbled over it and lumbered on as if nothing happened. I'm sorry for them that they've paid so little attention that they're going to suffer this further rapine as a matter of course. The first penny grabbed from each lambie's pay way back when they first held a job was totally unnecessary, avoidable, and in fact the single initial drop of poison that set them on a "life" in which "death and taxes" is an article of faith, with most preacher creatures actually patterning them in it from the pulpit.

People's pay is going to be $700 a month lighter? Did it really say that? The last paragraph quoted above is especially heartbreaking to me -- we singles love going out to eat, and the Bushonomic-Obamaniac ruin in which we wallow has killed some of the absolute best eateries, including the best Chinese restaurant ever (Anderson's New China Buffet), multiple well-established PN meeting places, and a wonderful diner near my main job.

The latter had a unique paperweight on the front counter -- a rock whose smoothed surface was engraved and painted with a Confederate flag image. Shortly before the closure the Rebel rock was stolen after spending years in that demonstrative spot -- what an omen.

Maybe we're all yankees now under our Chicago-hatched presidential doppelganger? Time will tell how much of the original Southern passion for freedom remains.... you know, the kind that incubated the principles and founding documents that became the Revolution.

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