Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pithy Carolina Journal headlines

The editor of grade B+ NC print paper's editor gives his take on Occupation:
To recognize the Occupy movement for what it really is, we didn’t need to wait to watch the Carnival of Souls now playing across the country – the filth, the intimidation, the violence, the weapons, the drug overdoses, the killings, and the Penn State-like conspiracy of silence about sexual assaults. Based on the movement’s illiberal ideological assumptions and the foolishness of camping out in pubic parks as a strategy for political change, we knew that the protests would become increasingly desperate and shrill, revealing the true colors of their instigators.

Leftists push to annex North Carolina to New York City (was this article written up there?):

Jeremy Kennedy, the campaign manager for the anti-amendment coalition, which filed paperwork Nov. 7 with the state, said the organization is modeling its effort, in part, on President Barack Obama's successful grassroots operation in 2008 by developing a broad network of local advocates and volunteers in various communities. "It's a big operation, a big undertaking," said Kennedy, who led an unsuccessful effort in Maine to get marriage equality for same-sex couples.

In the same mailer (in case you missed it in our vibrant PN egroups), this headline:

Human trafficking ‘is real, it’s in North Carolina’

I heard a radio discussion on the subject today while driving through NC. They referred to "human trafficking" over and over, but you know what? That's only because they know this curse on us all is the result of leftwing agitation, propaganda and legislation -- and that ergo new, more elaborate buzz has to be sprayed to hide the shocking reality of it.

You see, there's only one word that covers the vice in question, and that word is "SLAVING". Slaving has returned to the supposed land of the free as a direct result of the leftwing takeover or media, politics, education and everything else. Leftists' religion bears the silly title of "diversity and tolerance", by which they're actually calling for promiscuity and passivity. Promiscuity meaning chaos as a matter of policy and law in order to destroy the social setup -- and passivity on the part of anybody who doesn't like it!

Please remember that. Don't let anybody around you say "human trafficking" or any other totally fraudulent thing cooked up in commie think tanks to keep the sheeple clueless and apathetic. You don't call Obama the president anymore -- why make the torture of women and children sound like some kind of business deal with the word "trafficking"?

Other cases or word fraud abound: let's bring back the totally lost terms "abortionist" and "VD". New generations need to feel the horror and demoralization we all did on learning that such things existed! If leftists really want "change" I don't think it's too much to ask that things be called by their truthful names regardless of what the copy editors at Time or Newsweek might think of it.

To end on a more upbeat note ("karmic overtures"!?!?):

Tree planting near Asheville part of hope for American chestnut
American Chestnut Foundation plants blight-resistant chestnut seedling at N.C. Arboretum

/\/.\/\/. (864) 356-9966

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