Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Iceland cuts its own path through icy waters; fracking causes earthquakes including 1,000 each year in Oklahoma!

Anybody see the show on Iceland's crisis and gradual recovery on TV tonight? Young people there, apparently having been reared by TV as here, went on a mad borrowing spree. the three-car family became the norm! Then came the crash, riots and breaking of windows at the Parliament building. From there people have gotten educated fast -- and it could be exciting:

Key Lesson From Iceland Crisis: “Let Banks Fail”

That headline would be heresy to the ameriKan power mafia. How will they ever bring about a monopoly economy if nature and basic arithmetic are allowed to have their way with big banks!?

Any parent knows that you have to let your kids find things out on their own sometimes, and suffer the consequences -- certainly that pampering them is the best route toward ruining them. Lots of the politicians tormenting us have children. Don't they know anything about self-reliance, responsibility and basic "fairness" -- one of the words they bleat about most, but implicitly have the least interest in.

I fear the politicians and banksters are our children, and their need occasionally to stand in the corner has a backlog a quarter of a millennium long.

Government is not God!

..........Whoa, too much good news! How's this to even it out?

U.S. Government Confirms Link Between Earthquakes and Hydraulic Fracturing

Of course, when the USG admits it's blown it on something major, that's good news too -- as is the fact that we still have the freedom to report it. But what can we do now for enough oil for us to keep on having a nice shiny new plastic bag for each item of produce at the market - and for Lady Gaga fans to go on ordering quintillions of her CDs and DVDs?

My life requires a lot of crude -- Now that The Great One is gone, I live at least 45 minutes from most gatherings of my compatriots for any purpose -- but for what it may be worth, I never throw out a plastic grocery bag that still has some life or use in it, even those slightly dirty from groceries.


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