Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wild, scary, exciting new account of Bitcoin status

Admittedly, it's probably bait for an infomercial, but worth a look:

36 U.S. Cities in 20 States "Abandon" the Dollar

Note the other stories linked on the page:

Why Legendary Investors Are Dumping Paper Money
Buffett: Americans Should Fear Paper Money
Shocking Alternative Currency Could Mean End of Taxes in America
36 U.S. Cities in 20 States Have Dumped the Dollar
Investing In The "Miracle Material" That Will Change The World
[SHOCKING] The IRS Is Sounding The Alarm On This Controversial Currency

What I'm saying in a forthcoming regular feature in the Nationalist Times print newspaper:

Bitcoin refuses to flip: Virtual currency stays strong despite bankruptcies, gyrating rates – This from the Washington Post? Mt. Gox was the largest exchange but not the currency. A must-hear: Tom Woods' 3/25 show with Amanda Billyrock on this and more!


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