Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Columnist excoriates "presstitutes"

Stephen Lendman is a fine thinker for one with such a clear "ethnic liberal" bias. Here's his often excellent denunciation of the establishment media, aptly focusing on the despicable New York Times communications empire:
Media Scoundrels on the Wrong Side of History

With everybody being so polite and inoffensive these days, it's rare and refreshing to see somebody just rip evildoers up one side and down the other as he's just done. I like how he just launches in with no introduction arraying quotes against the lie industry! The remedies he calls for are somewhat touchy-feely, but that comes with the territory.

Missing in action is any mention of the religio-ethnic group that's deliberately, systematically perpetrating all this. By coincidence Lender's a member of it himself. Those wanting the full story can google Who runs Hollywood C'mon -- but I'm warning you, don't mention it at church, golf, bridge club or work unless you want to be denounced as a two-headed monster and ostracized as such.

Or worse, ignored.

Strictly personal opinions and notions of  /\/.\/\/.'s.

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