Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Truly rare book opportunity: Celente writes!

Again in the morning mail, a book promotion in the form of a press release. This time, though, it's HOT stuff! All patriots have come across fire-breathing prophets of patriotic truth Max Keiser and Gerald Celente. They're on "real" TV, they're on net TV, you're bound to come across them -- and your life won't be the same after you experience them! Celente's the star this morning because of a net radio appearance we'll cover below, but first, that promo I got..... OK, the Mac computer I'm on won't paste. But it's about the Spring issue of Celente's Trends Journal. Seek it out a and you'll be instantly out of the matrix and into the real world. As background to this subject, I bought a ticket bound to go somewhere good -- simply searched "celente" in! The first search result will clean out cobwebs you didn't know you had. OK, people think Waller has this quaint obsession with Jewish power.... well, this interview between Celente and Jeff Rense will give anybody still laughing at me very well a clearer perspective on that and a great deal more, and fast. I swear I didn't seek it out or stack the deck in any way -- it was simply the first of the Youtube search results. Moral of the story: It's EVERYWHERE -- the liberating truth about the enslaving curse of Zionism. Am on a borrowed computer this week and can't do much. Pray my laptop's fixed soon, will you? And whatever you do politically today, PLEASE don't miss the resources named in this post. .......Tax scandal is everywhere, too -- that endemic to the IRS and your state Department of Revenue, the numerous new or exacerbated forms of taxation raining down on us, the creatively bizarre things prison inmates, medical workers, and numerous other classes of people are coming up with to exploit tax corruption.... Here, also virtually at random is merely the latest case that just came in: "Identity theft for the purpose of stealing tax refunds has reached epidemic proportions in America". For the article, search "25 signs that America is a seething cesspool of filth and corruption". /\/.\/\/.

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