Friday, April 6, 2012

Tax day opportunities; LA Times censors Ron Paul extravaganza

Did you catch this in the PN egroups?
Tax Day Protests and Events 2012

It's great to see so-called income taxes and war paired as a subject. For one thing, it's true that without so-called income taxes the war machine would grind to a halt. For another, it harks back to the 1960s when socio-political ferment was heady, some of it actually good and meaningful. I'm grateful to still be here to see it and make up for my brainlessness back then.

How times change -- people, too. Two generations ago lots of us in the freedom movement were well-intentioned but ignorant and blind in their support of what was presented as the conservative worldview. Gee, how could it be wrong with supposed hard-rightists as William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater in the lead?

Central to "mainstream" conservatism in the 1960s were notions like "you pay your taxes as a good American" and "We have to win in Vietnam or we're cowards and deserters". I bit that bait as much as anybody -- until my number came up in the draft, that is. That brought instant values clarification and I successfully applied as conscientious objector, which I if course don't regret.

Those who escaped the draft to Canada were scorned as unpatriotic communist sympathizers. Some were that, but some simply had a conscience and the common sense to see that the war was a total fraud, something no decent person could have anything to do with. Tragic they had to exile themselves -- heroic that they did! Canada doesn't appear as welcoming as it used to be:

Today's true conservatives agree with Ron Paul that peace is patriotic, and income taxes un-Constitutional. In this we've left the left in the dust, because it still has no interest in tax truth -- 'twould be very bad for their agenda if the people weren't being bled by the IRS for "programs" and the wars that leftists actually do support today. But many of them agree with us about war, thank God. It's just amazing how much we can agree on and how much we've switched sides on other things from the old days.

Just looking at some of the names in the above article should bring a nostalgic smile to those who remember that previous era -- Michiana War Tax Refusers, War Tax Boycott cards, Heartland Peace Tax Group, Worcester Friends Meeting.... these events may bring a lump to the throat:

Ithaca — Ithaca War Tax Resistance invites all to voice our discontent over the government’s misuse of trillions of dollars for projects of killing, destruction, and coercion. Bring signs. Participate in the “draw war to a close” chalk drawings, at the Post Office on Tioga Street, Monday, April 16, Noon–4 p.m. Info: Tom Joyce at (607) 277-7426.

New Orleans — Vigil and leafleting with “Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes” pie chart flyer. April 16, 4–6 p.m., Main Post Office/Federal Building. Sponsored by Pax Christi New Orleans, (504) 522-3751 or email benhgordon[at]

I.e. has ameriKa learned absolutely nothing since the Vietnam era? HOW MANY MORE VIETNAMS, a buzzphrase I help propagate. God bless these protesters and their creativity -- let's hope for huge numbers!

...........Headline among the many in today's inbox haul: "LA Times blacks out Ron Paul's UCLA visit -- So now we know what paper to never buy again! Thank You." Speaking of boycotts and moratoriums!

...........Lew Rockwell says Ron can win, more easily than most people have any idea:
268. Ron Paul Has Won the Future


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