Sunday, April 1, 2012

More zeroes for Ron Paul -- the good kind -- and woes for the IRS

In a country more and more known for freakish, even ridiculous yet ultimately horrible elections, this year's presidential scramble may take the prize. Ron Paul seems to be finding infinitely better public acclaim than the Establishment Republi-cons, yet the corporate cartel media act as if he doesn't exist. Via email:

"Rock Star" treatment for Ron Paul
1700 plus rally in Maryland. Where is the News Media?

Thank God for RT or the Russia Today news network -- you can get the straight story from them most of the time, although this is a rather sarcastic report for them. Please help spread the word! The fat lady has yet to sing.

...........Tsk, tsk -- yet more woe and grief for the tax rats!
Billions Lost in Tax-Refund Scam

What won't they think of next for an anti-IRS scam? This one's tragicomic like so many. Crime simply doesn't pay, for either decent people or lowlifes. If people would spend as much time educating themselves and others there would be no IRS terrorizing the sheeple in the first place.


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