Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day -- let freedom ring!

The Lord is risen, he is risen indeed. Please -- let freedom ring. I beg of you, help ensure that freedom rings -- because it appears to be heading into a rock-hewn sepulchre never to emerge for a long, long time!

Some of you will know the name of Brother Lester Roloff. You may know I'm very particular about preaching. Condemning the good and exalting the bad in that field is a specialty of mine, simply because the Bible commands us to exercise keen discernment in all things and makes an example of false prophets and shepherds from cover to cover. In my humble opinion, Bro. Roloff is the best preacher in this country (despite having been dead for 30 years. Write for my column declaring him the greatest American of all time -- and enjoy this example of his blunt yet compelling, un-compromising, distinctly Southern homilitics:
Jesus The Supreme Person

We in greater Greenville, SC are blessed with the ability to hear him on radio a handful of times a day (WMUU and WTBI). I don't see an "Easter" sermon on Bro. Roloff's page, but the above dovetails perfectly with the occasion and the political stuff I've got for you today -- because it deals with the question of who is really supreme in this country. The preacher sounds very tired in this audio file -- possibly ill -- but anybody who reviews his lifetime of Christian heroism will see why that could be so on occasion.

We still have the right to share "Easter" greetings together; stores still close on Christmas and Thanksgiving, some even on Good Friday. But for how long under present trends? And incidentally..... how Scriptural are those holidays? I won't ruin them for you today other than to suggest you research the choice of December 25 and the derivation of the word Easter. I do this not out of the desire to be a killjoy (the eternal temptation of the muckraker) but out of a concern for bedrock truth.

Our first article is thus a killer for those who cherish certain illusions about the nature of the USA:
Where We are At With Obama – Summary

This article is itself a kind of Resurrection Day miracle, because it's a radical departure from its author's usual. It too concerns the "parallel universes" that exist openly for those with eyes to see them: there's the truth of the Gospel (which PanamaLaw does not embrace), and then the American political realm which our kind of people fondly view as saturated with Christian symbolism and principles, and then there's the truth that this country has always been run by pagans for pagan purposes.

Various excuses are offered for the prominence of the Great Pyramid on our greenbacks through the years, but the fact remains that that structure is a temple of ancient Egyptian polytheism with parallels in ancient Mesoamerica and other parts of the world.

Well, these resources are there for anybody interested in scraping all the layers of old paint off things. To end on a happier note, an Easter bonbon from
Orlando's Rep. Adams fears Obama power grab

For those who collect evidence of blatant media spin and attempted damage control, this article may win the prize for 2012 when it's barely one-fourth over! Don't dare doubt that the laws under discussion contain all the horrible things Rep. Adams and friends are warning and much worse... Can it possibly be that any reporter actually disbelieves in the dangers Obummer and his ilk pose to this Republic? Yes, because lots of media scribblers appear to be low-paid young folk with the best of intentions and the worst brainwashing flooding their skulls. They are educated to ignorance and paid to put forth the PC party line. It never seems to occur to them that the very thing they claim to prize above all else, "diversity", is totally lacking in the worldview and values their industry force-feeds the public. They are as monolithic as the Skull and Bones cult's (in)famous headquarters.

Ah! More good news via Drudge despite his frequent toeing of the PC line!
Case of Obama-bashing Marine renews debate over First Amendment rights

Now, this is one soldier that really should get a major medal.... in my "humble" opinion.


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