Saturday, April 16, 2011

Incredible: a list of 14 countries taxed worse than USA

Can it possibly by that ameriKa is only fifteenth among nations of the world in using "income taxes" to crushing citizens and hex the national economy? We know Sweden was way high on the list, but to see the likes of Finland, Canada and Portugal on it is a surprise.

Worst [sic] Tax Countries other than the USA

Not that it in the least mitigates the shame of ameriKa's tax system -- far from it. Every country on earth needs to know that "income taxes" are not merely unwise or unconstitutional, etc., but A TOTAL ABOMINATION AGAINST PEOPLE'S GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS.

A lot of cobwebs need to be blown out of people's heads worldwide on this subject. In the US you've got poor deluded folks calling (often in a hollow, unhappy tone) for a national sales tax, a flat tax, a this or a that. Guess what -- WE DON'T OWE THE MONEY, so why pay it in any form?

We don't owe the money. Bottom line. Everybody needs to repeat it ten or 100 times per day, from Sacramento to Stockholm to Saigon: WE DON'T OWE THE MONEY. Nous ne devons pas l'argent. Non lo dobbiamo! Even if politicians have never known this fact in all of Sweden's history, for instance, and that country's laws have always been to the contrary, SWEDES DON'T OWE THE MONEY EITHER!

.........Please note the commentary on the birther issue at the above page and that a commie fool entertainer, Whoopi Goldberg, and a supposedly conservativish one, Bill Cosby, are both calling for people to forget the whole subject and let Obama "do his job". Disappointing, Bill!


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