Thursday, March 24, 2011

Harvard law prof sees it: destruction (or at least disappearance) of the middle class

..............BrasscheckTV, one of the few things to which I have a daily email subscription, just featured something highly unusual in its quest to unearth al the suppressed, politically incorrect truth it can. You may know that the world is full of eggheads -- professors, bean counters, intellectuals commentators, etc. who are highly degreed and respected but generally don't have any connection to the real world. Indeed, they have a great deal to do with keeping the System going, justifying and prettifying its every whim and atrocity.
You may also know that these happy, blessed, high-salaried, much-consulted angels of light are also sometimes charming and beautiful as they go about their fashionably deadly business, waltzing from positions in media or acedeme into government posts and vice versa with stunning fluidity. WellwellwellWELL, Brasscheck found one that has one real-world sonata in her repertoire: warning about the ongoing obliteration of the middle class. Said obliteration is, you'll recall, one of the ways the goals of communism are often summed up.
This pretty, vivacious lady is law professor Elizabeth Warren. Pretendent Obama appointed her to oversee implementation of TARP or "Troubled Asset Relief Program". She will now crunch numbers in ways Fed swami Bernanke and his cronies wouldn't like:
The coming collapse of the American middle class

She deals with the tax curse somewhere and how it amplifies the effect of all other drains on families' finances today -- I thought this was in minute 25, but don't seem to find it there now.
In minute 56 she tosses off a remark that would make a perfect epitaph for the American economy: she notes that a few decades ago, many young people routinely lowrated their parents as "hopelessly middle class". Now they've gotten their wish in a vein of O. Henry-like irony: the middle class now includes them, but it's obligingly being ground down to nothing by the satanic techniques of the money masters, e.g. inflation and Comrade Marx's explicit dream, a "heavily graduated income tax".
I doubt any of her illustrious audience lost any sleep in response to her presentation or went running to their congresscritters to beg them to get rid of socialism. Thank God she phrased everything so sweetly and bouncily without pointing out the causes of anything she decried. Why, that would be considered socially improper, maybe even rude!

................New continues to surge forth re the catastrophe in Japan. Some say the situation is manageable, some disagree. Some say we Americans are in no danger, others say we're already drinking the radioactive kool-aid and are utterly doomed. NO doubt we should all be taking iodine tablets and preparing to sped a week or 10 days in a house thoroughly insulated with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Some less purely grim advice has surfaced as well:

Red wine can protect against radiation

Posted By Staff

Date: March 17th, 2011

1 Comment

Category: Nutty News

Nutty News University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine - According to the latest research, red wine - along with its many other claimed benefits - may also protect you from radiation exposure. A team at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have discovered that resveratrol, the natural anti-oxidant found in red wine, can protect cells from the damage caused by radiation. In experiments on mice the scientists found that when combined with the chemical acetyl and administered before radiation exposure it protected the cells and helped prevent death. The results, to be presented to the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, could lead to drugs to counteract poisoning in the wake of a nuclear emergency or attack. More…

More immediately gagging in the atmosphere is the war fever that has not merely returned but simply continues to multiply itself. Don't ask what we're doing in Libya -- nobody's sufficiently explained why we entered World War I! But thank God, Enough freedom of speech remains that commentators are rightly and roundly denouncing it.
To me it has been obvious since 9/11 that the US federal government is the real terror force and the president (whoever it may be t a given time) the real Darth Vader. They attempt to terrify us into allowing them to terrorize non-Jewish Mideasterners. The richly embody the original, lately-forgotten meaning of "terrorism", i.e. making a violent example of a few in order to scare the many into compliance.
Surely you've noticed? Refuse to be X-rayed or groped by TSA flunkeys, and you will be detained for questioning. Take a stand for monetary sanity like Bernard von NotHaus and go to prison for 15 years. Refuse as a soldier to go to war for a fraudster president, and look forward to torture and humiliation in the gulag. They know how to manage crowds, i.e. that there's nothing like opening fire on the upstarts to get their attention.

Aggressive War and Terrorism Are One and the Same! So Who Are the Real Terrorists?

by Gary D. Barnett

03-21-2011 • Gary D. Barnett via
Do U.S. politicians and their puppets in the mainstream press really want to talk about terrorism and genocide happening in other countries? Do they really think that these accusations will not come back to haunt them?
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Loath as I am to inject anything off-color or obscene -- and hard as I've tried to put a stop to it elsewhere -- I feel moved to share with you one such site for the simple reason that it embodies what may be the absolute highest concentration of unvarnished, starkly truthful commentary. You who can stomach gratuitous vulgarity by the ton may find it one of the funniest sites anywhere even though it deals in the most colossal and monstrous moral outrages of our time, making frequent reference to the same in past ages -- especially where war fever is concerned. For those not already familiar with Fred Reed's site Fred On Everything, here you go.

CONTEXT is what's missing from most forensics today, and context is what Fred has to offer by the ton, which he does with a total vacuum of respect for pretense and flummery! There are those whose wit makes you laugh and there are those that knock your funny bone simply by stating the obvious about the emperor's new clothes in ways even your favorite existing pundits don't. Let me know how you like him.
This from one of my main expat gurus:

Simon Black,

Barack Obama himself said in 2002, "What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks... to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income?--?to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics."

Sounds great. Spoken like a true Nobel Laureate.

The intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy involved is phenomenal. The UN Security Council resolution (#1973) which 'authorized' this invasion, expresses condemnation for Qadaffi's deleterious actions against his own people...
... never mind that the exact same thing is happening in Bahrain (which produces only 10% of Libya's oil) where the US Navy's 5th Fleet is headquartered with front row seats to the show;
... never mind that governments have hardly uttered a word about the situation in Bahrain or Saudi Arabia;
... never mind that the western world has proven itself incompetent at regime change after the occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan;
... never mind that 10-years of warfare have worn out the spirit and morale of fighting forces to the point that they are twisted into taking trophy photos of dead civilians like a 16-point buck;
... never mind that you can't just step in, bomb some targets, step out, and expect a peaceful, stable, democratic, pro-Western society to materialize out of thin air;
... nevermind that the coalition forces lack the moral authority to cherry pick which countries to invade and which civilian populations to ignore.

When they lack moral authority, they simply create it out of thin air. Politicians and bureaucrats equate morality with legality. If something is legal, it must be just... and if it's not legal, they'll pass a law or resolution making it legal... and hence just.
This is the way they operate-- using regulatory technicalities to wrap themselves in a blanket of righteousness in order to execute their agenda. As Tacitus said, "the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."

..............More recent finds:
US Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is one of the few brave public figures to denounce the Libya adventure
Major media actively promoting war
Obama's Broken Campaign Promises

News Link • Obama Administration
Creepy: 8 Years To the Day After "Shock and Awe" Obama Attacks Libya
03-20-2011 •
This operation has been named Odyssey Dawn. NBC correspondent Richard Engel has pointed out that today's operation begins 8-years to the day after the start of the war in Iraq.
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