Friday, March 25, 2011

Center for American Progress: “We’re Not Broke!”

You may already know of one way cities, counties, states, and USA Inc. have fooled the masses re their money woes – the huge black budget each has under the rubric of CAFR or “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.” Yes – the whole time your and my politicians are crying about the treasury being empty and in critical need of stuffing full again, they know about the massive slush fund that could be drawn on anytime but for reasons of the Federal Reserve conspiracy are not even mentioned to the public.

Another way to get everything solvent in a hurry is to abandon socialism including the hidden tax of inflation and the stinking inferno known as the IRS. But the politicians would rather die than go there. Meanwhile, some scholars at the abovementioned Washington think tank have another exciting, common-sense option to offer:

We Could Pay All Our Bills Without Borrowing a Cent

By Michael Linden, Michael Ettlinger

...........In "my" main discussion forum there's a whole thread on the sickening political pervert they call George Soros. If you've never homed in on his case he's probably just another ugly face in the crowd of the most filthy-rich world wreckers to you, but he seems to be one of the ultra-topmost in terms of power, loot and evil global influence.

There's only one problem with the link at hand here: in order to direct you to it, I'm going to have to make a confession. One of my specialties is chronicling the way a certain ethnic/religious tribe abuses its vastly disproportionate power in the world. I feel I do it quite objectively even though it's the furthest thing from social propriety. And this extra-controversial subject impinges on the page in question. If you want to go there, please promise first that if you find it offensive you'll point out specifically and factually where I'm wrong about it, with no mud-slinging or name-calling.

Deal? Ok.... if you want to read that page, simply google ""Topic: György Schwartz alias Deity George Soros". But only if you want the whole truth on a major topic!

For those that would rather not, a hot item as it was emailed to me:

The event is bringing together "more than 200 academic, business and government policy thought leaders' to repeat the famed 1944 Bretton Woods gathering that helped create the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Soros wants a new 'multilateral system," or an economic system where America isn't so dominant.

To lighten up a bit.... within the parameters of this blog:


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