Thursday, January 6, 2011

NBC registers as anti-government extremist

Well, that's the way we're supposed to think of anybody who draws attention to government or IRS barbarity, isn't it? Above all, since we are calling for government and IRS to operate within their proper legal bounds, they want us to hate ourselves in those terms.
Do you think the $PLC will be classing MSNBC as a hate group for this big beautiful page of uncut reality?
And can you think of anything more purely counterproductive than an IRS "increased use of liens" when it comes to saving what's left of the national economy?

Watchdog: IRS tormenting struggling taxpayers

Calls increased use of liens during tough economic times unnecessary


A government watchdog says the Internal Revenue Service is tormenting struggling taxpayers in the midst of a slumping economy by increasing the number of liens the agency has filed against people who owe back taxes.

The IRS filed nearly 1.1 million liens in the budget year that ended in September, a 14 percent jump over the previous year. Liens punish taxpayers and often hurt their ability to pay back taxes, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson said Wednesday in her annual report to Congress...........

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