Sunday, July 12, 2015

More good insights from Stefan Molyneux

I'm a libertarian (lower case), not a Libertarian (capital L). And I'm frankly rather jaded on the subject of Libertarianism (capital L). But when a thoughtful Libertarian comes along and starts expostulating, it can be very exciting..... and it sometimes boils down to paleo-conservatism, a.k.a. libertarianism.

Youtube has Autoplay now -- upper right of screen. Start Stefan talking and don't stop him for a good long while! Extreme vulgarity warning......

Who Will Pay? Austerity vs. Bailouts | Greece, Europe and The Euro!

Sure, he has some ideas I don't like, but that's par for the course with most any guru. (When did I last turn you off in this space? Wish you'd tell me.) He's racially illiterate and as big a yankee coward on diversity "issues" as you'll find. But within the worldview he has, I think he has the ability to blow away cobwebs long-overdue for it. He does stand up against the anti-Confederate flag cult in a longer presentation!

Anybody who can identify his accent, there's a special reward waiting for them.


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