Thursday, July 16, 2015

Coulter: "Every Pro-Immigration Claim is a Lie"

I just love sweeping statements when they're true. This one is. Notice the apt reference to a parody of blustering Bill O'Reilly!

To this stellar presentation I'd add a note about the supposed need to reunite families by letting more invaders in. Whose idea was it to separate them?

Do you see how liberals are just con artists that slink and sneak from one effort to another to throw up barriers to the truth? Are you happy being told you're evil because you want ameriKa to be America once again, or that you have to clear out to make room for these colonists?

THIS just in TOO:
The Endgame - Full White Genocide documentary

It's only 21 minutes long, a bit eccentric and repetetive, but essential! Statements from major celebrities. DON'T JUST WATCH IT, SHARE IT WITH ALL YOU KNOW.



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