Monday, April 20, 2015

Witnessing the birth of a great new PRINT newspaper

A number of times I've referenced the incredible Freedom's Phoenix site here, many more times in our good news reports at PN meetings. The site's a little bit yankee but among the very best of news aggregators for our patriot and resistance purposes. When I say among the best, it's one of only about eight that I make sure to fully keep up with, and you may know that I'm a connoisseur in this department -- only culling the most intensely truthful and relevant material regardless what anybody thinks of it!

"FP" has come up with a lot of shocking headlines -- some good, some bad. This one's completely unexpected: even as we're losing the Idaho Observer, Middle American News et al to the Bush-o-Bama depression and the rise of digits, Freedom's Phoenix has started an eponymous periodical -- on paper:
Freedom's Phoenix Newsprint Newspaper - Online Version Ready For Download!

Let's hope it's a smash success, right? Somebody subscribe please and give me a verdict.


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