Thursday, April 2, 2015

Heads ameriKa wins, tails Iran loses

Now if this doesn't sound like the double-dealing US government at work!
U.S. Defense Secretary: We Might Bomb Iran Even If a Peace Agreement Is Signed

"The U.S. will reserve the right to use military force to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon even if a deal is reached [on] Iran's nuclear program, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday." Would somebody explain what the hell good it does for anybody to "negotiate" with the US government? Anybody already marked as evil, that is. Washington's friends don't have to negotiate, they're just showered with every wonderful thing -- well, Israel anyway, probably the last friend "we" have got.

Originally the Dept. of Defense was called the Department of War. Somehow people came to realize it signaled they were living in a warfare state, and thought to themselves that that was not the pleasantest thought. 'The tendency to consolidate and rename these departments to highlight their purpose as providing "defence"', quoth Wikipedia, 'arose after World War II. In India, for example, "the name of the War Department was found objectionable in the sense that the concept had an aggressive aspect which was inconsistent with Indian traditions".'

The then-new coat of paint -- "defense" -- obviously didn't change a thing, because Washington has gone on bashing the brains out of places it considers "rogue" ever since. I think the above headline is a clear signal that it still considers itself God's specially appointed thug-in-chief over the Blue Planet.

Does that make you sick? If not, you may be a member of the Strangelovelican Party.


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