Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rip-roaring news from the Palmetto State

South Carolina is a "right to work" state, meaning workers cannot be forced to join a union as a condition of working. At the same time, employers can fire at will.

The right to work is one of the basics of a sound economy. And it's one always embattled by the usual round of suspects -- utopian agitators, labor unions and their fat cat friends in politics, almost all of them Dummacrats. (The party of the working man, don'tcha know.) The pro-union side's behavior has often been violent and tyrannical. Checking this movie and not having seen it for 40 years, I'm pleasantly shocked it's on the right side of the issue:

It's a gripping drama -- I recommend it despite the mundane choice of Brando as lead.

Oh -- the news. Did you hear this already? I didn't until checking "NNT":
Union cancels Boeing vote, claiming gun-toting workers told it to take off

And I like its version of the headline much better: Workers chased labor leaders off their porches at gunpoint:

See, people used to really stand up in an all-or-nothing way for what they thought was right. (Once in a while.) They simply don't anymore -- not the conservative mainstream for the most part. For Sandlappers (people from SC) to brandish guns on this like they probably used to on revenooers, if it really happened, makes them sound more like men and women again all of a sudden.

How much do baby boomers know about these things? Hard to imagine them having any sales resistance at all to a supposed benefit being offered.

By an odd coincidence, a putative fellow patriot called me today just to ask why I thought SC was so stupid and low down and held back. He'd crossed the border somewhere into NC which he considers vastly superior.

I told him the state has a refreshing lack of pretense and a patriotic mecca like none other -- the upcountry. Wait till he hears this!


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